Pelion is a very common destination when you visit Volos. You can use our services and get a taxi from Volos to Pelion to go to your preferred village or beach. You can also get a taxi from Pelion to Volos to get to the port, to the bus station, hotel or apartment.
You can also use our services to go by taxi to a Pelion beach and return to Volos on the same day.
We also organize tours around Pelion that you can find here.

If you travel from another city to Volos you can combine a transfer to Pelion with us. For example, if you come to Volos from Athens or Thessaloniki by taxi you can always combine this with another transfer to Pelion and vice versa.

Below we have categorized the most popular transfers in two categories : “To” and “From” Pelion

You can see more information about Pelion here.

Milies - Makrinitsa

Milies – Makrinitsa Tour

0 reviews

Makrinitsa - Portaria

Makrinitsa – Portaria Tour

0 reviews

Volos Airport- Pelion - Volos Tour

Volos Airport – Pelion – Volos Tour

0 reviews

Volos Airport- Makrinitsa - Portaria- Volos Tour

Volos Airport – Makrinitsa – Portaria – Volos Tour

0 reviews